Serve this taco salad as a meal or a side dish at your summer cookouts. It has a nice mixture of flavors and textures. The Dorothy Lynch dressing is sweet...
We LOVE tostadas all layered up with meat & veggies! They are super easy to make for dinner. These tostadas are on the spicy side with hot chorizo, jalapeno's...
This has been one of my favorite salads for years. The feta and roast beef go amazingly well together...kind if like peanut butter and jelly...well kind...
This is a great quick and easy main dish salad. Its especially good for a summer evening supper on a hot day. I like to serve this to friends with cold...
Years ago, the ladies of our church would have "tasting bees" where you would pay a small price to taste a new recipe that was made by one of them. This...
My hubby ate this all the time in a Thai restaurant in North Carolina. When we moved, we tried all sort of Thai restaurants, none came close. Finally,...
What a different salad! Swiss chard is always yummy. The cream and the Parmesan really made for a great "dressing." I loved all the different flavors in...
My late father used to make this all the time when we were growing up. It's so refreshing in the summer time when it's too hot out. I had been craving...
Since the early 1970's Taco Salad has made an appearance at all of my husband's family summer gatherings. It wouldn't be a Gardner family without it. When...
With Summer here it is time to get out my salad recipes. This is an easy one to prepare especially when I buy slices of cooked roast beef from the deli...
Ive always served fresh vegetables to my family, grown my own gardens , flowers, even fruit trees. next year im starting an avocado tree , walnut tree,...
Yum! This is perfect to serve for a lighter meal. Apple is the star flavor in this delicious steak salad recipe. Applesauce makes the dressing packed with...
This has been one of my favorite salads for years. The feta and roast beef go amazingly well together...kind if like peanut butter and jelly...well kind...
This recipe was on the package of Hillshire sausage I used to buy.I can no longer find the same sausage so I use any good smoked sausage. It's a filling...